Kildare ChildCare


Childcare & Education Professionals

Childcare & Education Professionals

Welcome childcare providers and early childhood educators! This section offers information, updates and resour...

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KCCC Jobs Board

KCCC Jobs Board

 Please click on this FORM to have your vacancy advertised on our website. Your vacancy wil...

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Training & Events

Training & Events

View calendar HERE            

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Parents & Guardians  (Eng & Ukrainian)

Parents & Guardians (Eng & Ukrainian)

  Budget 2024- An Overview and FAQ's for Parents & Guardians   Choosing Childcare- ...

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    KCCC offers support and advice to Childminders and the parents whose children attend c...

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Parent and Toddler groups in Kildare

Parent and Toddler groups in Kildare

We are delighted to share with you an updated list of parent and toddler groups in Kildare, available at THIS ...

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About Us


Our Mission

KCCC strives to ensure that early childhood is understood as a significant and distinct time in life that must be valued, nurtured and respected, and that every child in Kildare has equal access to the highest quality education and childcare experiences within their local communities.


Our Vision

Through the leadership of Kildare County Childcare Committee, early childhood is understood as a significant and distinct time in life that must be valued, nurtured and respected, where every child in Kildare has equal access to the highest quality education and childcare experiences within their local communities.



Government Schemes

The National Childcare Scheme opened in October 2019, replacing all previous childcare programmes with a single, streamlined and user - friendly Scheme to help parents meet the cost of childcare.

Universal and Income Assessed Subsidies are be available for families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years who are attending any participating Tusla registered childcare service or Tusla registered childminder.

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The goal of AIM is to create a more inclusive environment in pre-schools, so all children, regardless of ability, can benefit from quality early learning and care. The model achieves this by providing universal supports to pre-school settings, and targeted supports, which focus on the needs of the individual child, without requiring a diagnosis of disability.

If you have a concern about your child’s development contact the preschool your child will attend, well in advance of your child’s start-date, to discuss the AIM programme.

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free pre-school years

This is unaffected by the introduction of the National Childcare Scheme.

Children are eligible for two free preschool years in Ireland, from the age of 3-5 approx (see calculator below to workout your child's eligiblity), and can continue in free pre-school until they start primary school (once the child is not older than 5 years and 6 months at the end of the relevant pre-school year i.e. end June).

They can attend for 3 hours per day, 5 days a week, 38 weeks of the year.



We also offer support to parents regarding childcare

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Quality Development


Kildare County Childcare Committee provides advice and information to childcare service.

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We offer regular training events, workshops and community of practice events to professionals working in Kildare

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Kildare County Childcare Committee can support you to as a childminder to have an appropriate programme of activities suitable for children in yourage range

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 Child Protection

We offer Children First , child protection training to services in the county on a regular basis.

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Copyright 2025 by Kildare County Childcare Committee